Happy Winter Solstice, Happy Holidays!

Happy Winter Solstice, Happy Holidays!

Well this year is wrapping up quickly!  It has been wonderful to see you this year in our new San Luis Obispo office and Atascadero office. Enjoy this special change of season, Autumn into Winter and Winter Solstice.  Each day will start adding on light to our days, bringing freshness, growth, and hope of new life around us.  Some of us love this time of year and others feel gloomy and it is important to acknowledge everyone’s “season.”  Share a smile everywhere you go and spread peace within yourself and to others.

I found this article in one of my magazines and I want to share it with you.  “Finding Motivation.”  This is a good reminder as the new year approaches!


Happy Holidays, Happy 2023!
I appreciate you and I’m honored to be here for you,

Jenny Frost

(PS: We will be out of the office 12/23-1/1/23.  Check out the attachment about traditional Chinese medicine in Winter)

Winter Solstice and the Water Element in Traditional Chinese Medicine