
Fall Happenings!

Hello! We have a few things we want to share: 1.  We have a new newsletter that will go out each month. It is traditional Chinese medicine geared content with our office’s events and seasonal information. You are welcome to sign up (find newsletter link at the bottom of this post, titled “Newsletter Signup”) 2. . . .

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Yin Qiao San Autumn

Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) teaches us to live in harmony with nature and to follow the flow of the seasons. The summer months are coming to an end, nature tells us to start preserving our energy, nourish ourselves with our bountiful harvest foods, go to bed earlier, sleep and get the rest we need to . . .

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Brain Body Diet Connection

“If you or someone you care about has brain fog and/or memory loss, please see these recommendations to start the process of healing your gut/brain connection to prevent these symptoms from getting worse.  Jenny has summarized components taken from the book Brain Body Diet by Dr. Gottfried to give you a starting point. Please work . . .

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Birtt Baby Fair Photo

Sierra Vista Birth & Baby Fair

Come and join us for the Sierra Vista Birth & Baby Fair on May 18th from 10am-2pm! Location: Sierra Vista @1010 Murray Avenue in San Luis Obispo Meet our Acupuncturists: Jenny Dull-Frost, L.Ac. & Naomi Brebes, L.Ac. We will be at the Birth + Baby Fair to answer your questions on how Traditional Chinese Medicine, personalized . . .

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Spring Detox

When, Where, What is Detox? Detoxification is simply the cellular, mental, and spiritual processes by which the body identifies, neutralizes, and eliminates toxic substances, including toxic emotions and habits, through diet change and herb/supplement support. Spring time is the best time to cleanse your Liver/Gallbladder/Large Intestine to clear toxins—prepare for the Fire climate of summer, . . .

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