Evidence Supporting a Phased Immuno-physiological Approach to COVID-19 From Prevention Through Recovery
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Evidence Supporting a Phased Immuno-physiological Approach to COVID-19 From Prevention Through Recovery
Read MoreHello! As this unique situation continues, we hope you and your family are staying healthy and safe. I am happy to announce Branches of Wellness Acupuncture is re-opening May 26. I have listened and researched from various sources of how to reopen a business during this time and we are ready for you! I contacted . . .
Read MorePlease read! More research findings on Covid19. Functional medicine MD doctor Elisa Song gives a good explanation on ACE2 inhibitors and Covid19 relationship. Why are some people having strokes, swollen red toes, intestinal symptoms, heart and kidney failure? Navigation Kawasaki Disease, ACE-2 & COVID-19: What a Pediatrician Wants You to Know
Read MoreHow are all of you doing? Please feel free to email me back, I want to know! Hopefully you are staying healthy. I miss seeing your wonderful faces and I know we will come together soon… As for opening my offices, I am adhering to Governor Newsom and our San LuisObispo county public health department. . . .
Read MoreCovid-19 Health Updates 4/14/20 I am under information overload! I am sure you feel the same way. But it is very important to stay educated as new information is released. New facts about masks, herbs, supplements, medications, rules about our social behavior, Covid-19 positive cases and deaths, local to international news, and even rules at . . .
Read MoreIf you aren’t already making bone broth regularly, I’d encourage you to start today! It is an incredibly healthy and very inexpensive addition to any diet and the homemade versions beat store bought broth in both taste and nutrition (by a lot). This is the one nutrient rich food that anyone can afford to add! . . .
Read MoreCovid-19 and Face Masks: Should I wear one? Yes if you are going out into public. Please see attached pdf document if you want to make your own or support someone in your neighborhood who makes them. Asymptomatic carrier rate is between 25-50% and transmission could occur just talking to these individuals. Thus, wear a . . .
Read MoreA Pediatrician’s Pandemic Immune Support Plan
Read MoreCORONAVIRUS-What You Can Do To Reduce Your Risk Of Complications
Read MoreGood health to you! (I’m not writing a novel, but I have some things to share!) Please see office closure info and immunity recommendations below. I am sitting in the Arroyo Grande office listening to our acupuncture ruling body “Town Hall Meeting” with 3,600 acupuncturists in the United States online. We are all trying to . . .
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